
Showing posts from August, 2020

Two Dollars and a Bus Pass

 It was a cold winter day and I decided to stop at the local fast food restaurant for a roast beef sandwich and a coke.  Although it wasn’t yet one o’clock, the restaurant was nearly empty and I was the only person in line. In this podcast Tony talks about what happened next, and how it changed his view of generosity. Scripture:   When he looked up he saw some wealthy people putting their offerings into the treasury and he noticed a widow putting in two small coins.  He said, “I tell you truly, this poor woman put in more than all the rest; for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood.  Luke 21:1-4 Reflections:   What can we learn from the poor widow in the gospels?  Do you find that the people who have little and more inclined to share what they have than people with more?  The young girl didn’t have much but she offered to share what little she had.  H...

The Homeless Bible Study

 As the season of Advent began, my friend, Jeff, asked if I would facilitate a Bible Study for the homeless on Friday nights, after dinner. “Who would go to a bible study during the cold winter months,” I asked. “I really don’t know,” he replied.  “But we could set it up, announce it at dinner, and see what happens.”  And we did. In this podcast, Tony recalls the miracles that happened during the homeless bible study. Scripture:    God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it.  1 Corinthians 10:13 Reflections:   Do you ever feel stuck in your current situation without a way out?  Do you trust that God will not test you beyond your strength?  Do you agree that God is faithful? If you have enjoyed listening to this podcast, please subscribe by clicking the Follow Link on the lest hand side of the page.  Don't miss a single Fiv...

My Little Black Book

 Growing up in the 60’s, I realized that no self-respecting bachelor would be caught dead without his little black book. The little black book was the place where he kept track of all the beautiful women he was dating at the same time. I have to admit, I never had a little black book, until now! And, my wife is aware of it and even approves! In this podcast Tony discusses his “Little Black Book” and why you might want one too! Scripture:   And the prayer of the faithful will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up.  If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven.  James 5:15 Reflections:  Do you believe in intercessory prayer? Do you keep a prayer list of people you are praying for? Are you a member of a prayer circle? How does praying for others help you in your own faith journey? If you have enjoyed listening to this podcast, please subscribe by clicking the Follow Link on the lest hand side of the page. Don't miss a single Five Minutes with...

A Leap of Faith

In this podcast, Tony talks about our personal leap of faith and what are the things keeping up from taking the leap. He discusses the could have, might have and should haves. Scripture:   When the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were terrified. “It is a ghost,” they said, and they cried out in fear. At once [Jesus] spoke to them, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” Peter said to him in reply, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw how [strong] the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”  Matthew 14:26-31 Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 Quote:   “The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions: could ha...